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Mindful Ramblings
More about my boss...
Published on March 20, 2004 By
Today at work we were looking for something to do. Matt had made a list of stuff for us guys to do, because honestly, we're the only ones who really do anything around there. The woman who works the Service Counter (it is invariably a woman) is justified in not doing anything extra, because she has to stay there the whole time to answer phones and what not. But everyone else in the night shift? Worthless piles. I'd say they were worthless boxes, but even a box serves a purpose some of the time.
Anyway, I was first cashier (meaning I ran the main till, served most of the customers and what not). As the other guys and I were looking down the list of tasks to complete before the end of the night, one of us said to Matt "Can't you get the cashiers (referring to the girls, who are normally cashiers) to do some of this?"
Matt replies, off the cuff "Well, you try getting some work out of them." This is my boss. The professional one of us. The guy who runs the store and isn't supposed to say bad stuff about people. Most bosses or higher-ups, in my experience, are relatively clueless about the people they don't actually work with everyday. It goes to show either A) how perceptive Matt is or
how worthless these people are when someone they don't see for more than a few hours a day knows how worthless they are.
So, maybe this story isn't that funny, and maybe I'm just lame, but that cracked me up for about two hours. Through the rest of the night, the other three guys and I would say intermittently, even if it didn't have any relevance to what we were doing "Well, you try getting some work out of them." Another choice phrase of the evening was "See what kind of job YOU can do when you're half in the bag". That referred to the guy who brings in the Little Debbie Snacks, and the asshole Zupancich who came in and rearragned our store without telling Matt before hand (the latter wasn't drunk at the time that we know, but it would explain his asshole behavior).
Matt was trying to be the professional by calling Jim (the asshole Zupancich) and trying to figure stuff out about the stores. He asked for the invoices for some stuff, and Asshole Jim thought he was being patronizing. Jim said "Y'know, you're being really childish about this.. ~click~." Matt called him right back and said "Hey Jim, we must have gotten cut off or something. Do you think you could fax me those invoices?"
Again, maybe you had to have been there.
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