Mindful Ramblings
My mommy probably could.
Published on April 30, 2004 By Unfairman In Misc
I can't find my Ninja Gaiden game.

I've looked all over my room. My Xbox never leaves my room, and I have no friends so I wouldn't have taken the game somewhere else (besides, it's a one player game, and who would invite me over so they could watch me play games? Seriously). My "step-nephew" was over the other day, so I took the game out of the Xbox so he could play a less violent game, in which he promptly lost interest. So I've spent that past two hours cleaning my room (basically sorting through all sorts of paper garbage, any mail dated more than two months ago was tossed) trying to find that fucking game.

I'm really not a person who's quick to anger, but not being able to find things just shortens my fuse Yosemite Sam length. I try to blame not being able to find the game on my mom, because she's the one who told the kid he could play my Xbox. She asked me if I had any games that he could play, cause he's like 8, and I said I didn't. I guess I did, the aforementioned Tetris, but I had been napping and was pretty groggy when I put my good game away. And I just figured out how to get past a spot that had been giving me trouble, too. So, I tried blaming her, but that was just the frustration talking.

But that brings me back to one of the major points of frustration about living at home. I have my own room, the door is almost always closed and yeah, it's a bit messy. But I know where things are (usually) and can find them in a matter of minutes, because I know which piles of junk contain what. Sometimes, though, my mom gets fed up with the state of my room, and decides to clean it. She just up and throws everything into one big box. THAT INFURIATES ME TO NO END! WORST THING MY MOM DOES! So then I can't find anything, which leads to me pulling everything out of that damn box to find the one thing I need. Of course, I leave it on the floor then, because I have spread everything out to where I know what piles of junk...well, you get the picture. It's a viscious cycle.

Maybe this'll teach me to keep a tidier room?


on Apr 30, 2004
"How in the hell you find anything on your desk?"

"You want a horror show, you should see my garage."

-- B
on Apr 30, 2004
That's what I get for giving you a penny for this purchase. Speaking of which, that thing still hasn't been cashed. Let me know cause I don't want an over draw.
on Apr 30, 2004
Inanimate objects derive great pleasure from playing hide and seek. Socks and car keys seem to enjoy it the most but almost any of them enjoy the game to no end.
on Apr 30, 2004

Being a Mom, I can see your Mom's angle on the clean room thing.  Your parents pay a great deal of money to give you a comfy house.  It may be your room, but it is in their house and you not taking care of it looks like you are not appreciating what they do for you.  (I'm practicing that one for when my 5 year old becomes a teen)

Anyway, I "lose" things all the time.  Most of the time, they are actually above my eyesight.  My husband is taller than me and likes to put stuff up.  I, however, can't see them when he does that and go insane trying to find them.

I would suggest trying to visualize where you may have put it.  I find a lot of things by sitting in the middle of a room and using my mind to visualize where the item may be.

on Apr 30, 2004
Wow Karma, I thought I was the only one who did that!

Jo Ann misplaces things a lot and she is always amazed when I simply get up, walk over to it and pick it up. She used to ask how I do it. She doesn't bother any more.

I simply think about "if I were a ________ where would I be hiding?" And, to tell the truth, they are usually in plain sight anyway. It's amazing how people can look right at something and simply not see it.

I am the official "finder" in my house lol Sometimes I'm on the road and she'll mention on the phone that she can't find something. I can usually guide her right to it even if I haven't been home in two weeks and had nothing to do with it's current location at all.

Perhaps I just know her habits.
on Apr 30, 2004

"if I were a ________ where would I be hiding?"

Hehe!  I always say: "If I were a _______ where would I be?"  That's too funny!  Seems to work, though.  Hubby thinks I'm insane, though.

on Apr 30, 2004
It's a good thing I live in an apartment because if I had any more rooms I'd never find anything in my place or I'd be late for work everyday. Wallet, keys, cell phone, man....that's a chore right there.