I can't find my Ninja Gaiden game. I've looked all over my room. My Xbox never leaves my room, and I have no friends so I wouldn't have taken the game somewhere else (besides, it's a one player game, and who would invite me over so they could watch me play games? Seriously). My "step-nephew" was over the other day, so I took the game out of the Xbox so he could play a less violent game, in which he promptly lost interest. So I've spent that past two hours cleaning my room (basically sortin...
Hey guys! I need a little help here. I'm always on the lookout for good new (to me, anyway) music. I'll define 'good', in my tastes. I love Dispatch, Pearl Jam, Norah Jones, Storyhill. I'm really into the acoustic groove. "College music", I guess some people call it. Anyway, even though I don't really have money to spend, I'd love to hear some suggestions of bands you guys like. I'd prefer not to hear names of really mainstream bands, because I already know about them, and that woul...
My friend July and I are married. Apparently, we went down to Vegas one weekend and got hitched. We were at the chapel anyway, and I decided that I may as well propose and get this dating thing out of the way. It's boring. Anyway, that's a fun pretense. It started when she told me a story about her being in church, and the usher asking her if she'd like to wait for her husband. She held up her ringless wedding finger and told him she wasn't married. I, being the born smartass, replied "Wha...
Yeah, those are Pearl Jam lyrics. So what? This blog will probably be pointless rambling. If you don't like pointless rambling, stop now, you've been forewarned. My keyboard is really gross. It's got all kinds of specks (I was just checking the specs on the rotary girder...I'm retarded) of food and coffe and god knows what in it. Fortunately, those are all in the cracks, so I don't have to touch them. I once read a "true story" about someone who called tech support because their keyboar...
[This was originally a reply to a post, but I liked it, so I copied and pasted.] I work at a grocery store, and you know how they have those "Take a Penny Leave a Penny" dishes? Well, at the end of every shift, I take all those leftover pennies and put em in the "Support the Blind Kids Who Wanna Go to Camp to Pet Bunnies and Stuff" donation thing. I know it's not much, but I take them from every till, and when I don't work my coworker Rex does the same thing (in fact, I stole the idea from...
So, today at work (seems like so many of my articles start with that phrase) I got to rake the ditch. Those of you who have winters know how much garbage piles up in the snow over the season. Then, come Spring, the snow melts and 6 months worth of dirt and cigarette butts and Subway cups sifts to ground, where some unlucky shlub has to rake it up. Actually, I didn't mind it at all...it sorta broke up the monotony of the daily job, plus I got to work outside on a fairly nice day. I found an...
I am a night person. One of my favorite things to do in the middle of night is to walk out onto the porch. Sometimes, even though I'm not a smoker, I'll smoke one of my mom's cigarettes. Sometimes I'll cozy up to our huge, old, smelly, outside mutt and talk to him, even though he is past the age where he can hear most of the sounds I can make. Sometimes I'll close my eyes and listen to the distant timberwolves, their cries weaving their way through the softly rustling pine and birch branc...
This is all hearsay, mind you, because I never saw any of it with my own actual eyes. This all happened today at work, before I got there. Apparently the produce ladies were completely freaking out this morning. Someone went in to find out what the matter was, and they too freaked out. The cause for all the out-freaking was that a herd of tarantulas had stowed away in our banana cargo. Our bananas come from South America, where they have tarantulas aplenty, but I personally found it hard t...
It was an absolutely GORGEOUS Spring day. Temperatures were in the 60's and I was going down to spend time with most of my favorite people in the world. I left Cook around 2:30, after cashing my check and doing all the neccesary car maintanence checks and what not. I was on such a natural high from the spring weather that I rocked out to Dispatch for the entire hour and a half ride, which meant screaming at the top of my lungs and driving way too fast. I only had their Silent Steeples cd ...
I'm heading down to Duluth today, and I'm pretty psyched. For those of you (and I'll assume it's many of you) who have never been to Duluth, I don't know how to describe it to you. It's an absolutely GORGEOUS town, especially lakeside (it's located at the very tip of Lake Superior). I went to college there, and it still has a special place in my heart. Many of my friends still live there, as well as my little brother, and I doubt there's a place in the entire smallish city that doesn't ho...
I was thinking about that adieu again, "Don't let that smile get away from you", and I got another meaning from it. Your smile is your own. It's unique. Sure, it can be similar to another's smile, but it's not a perfect copy of anyone's. And you have many different smiles, each with it's own qualities. So don't let it get away from you, and use it as often as you can. Smiling is something that every single culture in the world has in commons. A smile is a universal code for letting peop...
I was just sitting in McDonald's a few moments ago, reading a book at eating my value meal. I rode my bike 10 miles today, so I figured McDonald's wouldn't be TOO bad, because I would have eaten it anyway, probably, and I think the net calories is in the red. Anyway, a man who was vaguely familiar to me as someone I used to serve when I worked at McDonald's, years and years ago, was exiting and his final comment to his "dinner" companion was "Don't let that smile get away from you." Thi...
So, loyal readers, I know I haven't been on in a while. My computer is bastard. Long story short: it broke, and a week later I got it fixed. All bymyself. now I'm running XP and I love my computer again. I'll write later when I really have something to say.
Today at work we were looking for something to do. Matt had made a list of stuff for us guys to do, because honestly, we're the only ones who really do anything around there. The woman who works the Service Counter (it is invariably a woman) is justified in not doing anything extra, because she has to stay there the whole time to answer phones and what not. But everyone else in the night shift? Worthless piles. I'd say they were worthless boxes, but even a box serves a purpose some of the tim...
Good times, people, good times. I did not accomplish the goal of getting completely ripped on Irish Night, but as many of us surely know some goals are better not acheived, and you may even have some fun in the meantime. So, yes, I drove 4 hours down to "the cities" (Minneapolis/St. Paul metro area) to hang out with friends and intake some alcohol. We started at the Dubliner, where I met up with SuspeckTed (margin2margin.joeuser.com) and some of his friends. The place was extremely pac...